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Unique Method - is a methodical center that develops and writes innovative, relevant training courses for children. We invite partnerships with private schools, children's and youth clubs, and studios looking for quality modern training courses and programs.Below are various textbooks, workbooks, task collections, student books, and comprehensive online courses developed by our team. The content of materials and their visual design can be adapted to the customer (colors according to your brand book, logos, change the course name, etc.).
"World of Emotions" Course for Grades 1-4 (Based on Social, Emotional, and Ethical (SEE) Learning)
Contents of the course "World of Emotions" is based on the science of the nervous system. It is, for example, about how a person experiences stress and, most importantly - how to deal with it. Another science on which the course is based - is emotional and social neurobiology. That is the science of how a person experiences emotions and how they affect our relationships.
The set of the course "World of Emotions" includes:● The workbook (adapted for online and offline lessons) is designed for 10 lessons● Guidelines (more than 30 card games described below)● Photo cards depicting the emotions of people of different genders and ages● Flashcards with a stylized image of emotions● Flashcards with a stylized image if needed● Flashcards with plot illustrations● Flashcards with a sequential plot of four pictures● Flashcards with a sequential plot of three pictures● Webinar on emotional intelligence● Additionally discussed: consultation with the course teacher
Unique School team development course
Data Science (course in English)
The aim of the course: learn to analyze existing data on real phenomena, collect them from the surrounding phenomena and structure, present them in infographics, and draw conclusions based on data analysis.
The set for each grade includes:● two workbooks (one workbook per semester);
● methodical recommendations;
● a selection of resources for teachers;
● additionally discussed: 4 hours of methodical consultation and training in the basics of data science from a methodologist and a teacher-practitioner.
Author-designer of the course "Data science" - Yanina Hizhinska
Leader in me
The aim of the course: the formation of leadership qualities, which involves being a leader both in the team and in yourself. Covey Sean's book "7 Habits of Highly Effective Adolescents" is compiled and supplemented by topics on goal setting, sex education, and more. In the learning process, children learn to work in a team, present themselves and their projects, and develop organizational skills.
The set for each grade includes:● four workbooks (one workbook per quarter);● methodical recommendations;● a selection of resources for teachers● additionally discussed: 2 hours of methodical consultation and training in teaching the course from the author-methodologist.
Author-designer of the course "Leader in me" - Yanina Hizhinska
Strategic thinking. Ingenuity
Content of the workbook for preschool, 1-2 grades: the inventor within us, what is an invention, how inventions are made, how things known to us are invented, exercises for training the imagination of unicorns.Content of the workbook for 3-4 grades: synergy and its benefits, optical illusions and their impact on our lives, how to respect differences, and develop our individuality. Content of the workbook for 5-7 grades: VUCA | BANI world, strategic thinking, a realization of plans, you are a process designer, we turn mistakes into actions, implementation plan.Each workbook is designed for 4-8 lessons.
The set of the course "Strategic Thinking" includes:● workbook for 1-2 grade students on the topic "Strategies. Resourcefulness. Think and invent";● workbook for 3-4 grade students on the topic "Complex Problem Solving. Learn to find synergy";● workbook for 5-7 grade students on the topic "Vital resilience. Personal mission";● methodical recommendations with a selection of additional resources.
Author-designer of the course "Data science" - Yanina Hizhinska
Logical thinking (presentations)
The primary aim of the course — develop logical thinking and learn not to be afraid of difficult tasks!
The content of the presentation provides solving various puzzles, problems, puzzles, and logic exercises. Example of tasks: 2D and 3D thinking; mathematical puzzles, logical problems, permutations, put in order, graphic and numerical regularities, find superfluous, arithmetic puzzles.
Structure of presentations: task condition | answer. The presentation contains more than 200 exercises.
The set of the course "Logical Thinking" includes:● presentations for preschool students, 1st grade;● presentations for students of 2-3 grades;● presentations for 4th-grade students;● presentations for 5th-grade students;● methodical recommendations with a selection of additional resources.
Author-designer of the course "Data science" - Yanina Hizhinska
Proactive thinking. Vital resilience
Content of the workbook for preschool, 1-2 grades: resilience, healthy self-esteem, self-confidence, character traits, courage.Content of the workbook for 3-4 grades: my superpowers and habits of a happy person, proactive attitude, proactive speech: what I influence, the range of influence, we turn losses into gains, mistakes, and muscles of proactivity.Content of the workbook for 5-7 grades: habits of a happy person, proactive position, personal mission, learn to plan steps to achieve goals, obstacles.Each workbook is designed for 4-8 lessons.
The set of the course "Proactive Thinking. Life Sustainability" includes:● workbook for students of 1-2 grades on the topic "Self-esteem. Fear";
● workbook for students of 3-4 grades on the topic "Life sustainability. Proactive position";
● workbook for students of 5-7 grades on the topic "Sustainability of life. Personal mission";
● methodical recommendations with a selection of additional resources.
Author-designer of workbooks - Yanina Hizhinska
Creative thinking
Content of the workbook for preschool, 1-2 grades: what is creativity, tasks for developing creativity: draw, paint, cut, stain, imagine and fantasize, and share experiences with classmates.Content of the workbook for 3-4 grades: creativity, my preferences, exercises for developing creativity: the search for common properties, transformation, six hats, creative drawing, etc.Content of the workbook for 5-7 grades: creative people, what makes up the creative process, methods of developing creativity.Each workbook is designed for 4 lessons.
The set of the course "Creative Thinking" includes:● workbook for students of 1-2 grades;
● workbook for students of 3-4 grades;
● workbook for students of 5-7 grades;
● methodical recommendations with a selection of additional resources.
Author-designer of workbooks - Yanina Hizhinska
Empathy NVC. Emotional intelligence
Content of the workbook for preschool, 1-2 grades: basic emotions and what I feel: a palm of friendship, flowers of happiness, time for good.Content of the workbook for 3-4 grades: carousel of emotions through the world of cartoons, exercises to stabilize the inner state, nonviolent communication techniques, and languages of love.Content of the workbook for 5-7 grades: the test of emotional maturity, 4 EQ competencies, EQ development and first steps, proactivity, observer position, additional exercises, and literature.Each workbook is designed for 4-8 lessons.
The set of the course "Empathy. NVC. EI" includes:● workbook for students of 1-2 grades on the topic "Basic emotions and I";
● workbook for students of 3-4 grades on the topic "My emotions. Techniques of nonviolent communication. Languages of love";
● workbook for students of 5-7 grades on the topic "Empathy. Emotional maturity";
● methodical recommendations with a selection of additional resources.
Author-designer of workbooks - Yanina Hizhinska
Inclusive thinking. Tolerance. Kindness
Content of the workbook for preschool, 1-2 grades: kindness to others, fairy tale therapy, kindness to animals; we create a fairy tale about goodness.Content of the workbook for 3-4 grades: Good for others, good for animals, volunteering, charity; we create a fairy tale about good.Content of the workbook for 5-7 grades: the concepts of goodness and kindness, goodness to oneself, kindness to others, and goodness to the world.Each workbook is designed for 4-8 lessons.
The set of the course "Inclusive Thinking" includes:● workbook for students of 1-2 grades on the topic "Good around me";● workbook for students of 3-4 grades on the topic "Wholeness and goodness;● workbook for students of 5-7 grades on the topic "Volunteering, charity, and integrity";● methodical recommendations with a selection of additional resources.
Author-designer of workbooks - Yanina Hizhinska
Curiosity. Learn to learn
Content of the workbook for preschool, 1-2 grades: the world is full of things you don't know yet. Curiosity is a sign of the mind, free and open to the perception of the wonders of reality, not afraid to face the unknown to gain new knowledge. This guide will teach you new ways to help you look at things differently. Learning can be an adventure with constant and interesting discoveries if you are curious.Content of the workbook for 3-4 grades: what and why you learn, who and what will help you know, and the enjoyment of learning.Content of the workbook for 5-7 grades: conscious attitude to learning, coaching or self-coaching, time management, self-discipline - the key to motivation, techniques of taking notes, principles of critical thinking, methods of memorization.Each workbook is designed for 4-8 lessons.
The set of the course "Curiosity" includes:● workbook for students of 1-2 grades;
● workbook for students of 3-4 grades;
● workbook for students of 5-7 grades;
● methodical recommendations with a selection of additional resources.
Author-designer of workbooks - Yanina Hizhinska
Even in this turbulent time, you need to continue your studies. Our children and youth will have to rebuild Ukraine and shape society. Teachers play a huge role in youth development and personality formation. We have created materials that tell about the strength, beauty, and people of Ukraine.
We provide full access courses with methodological recommendations in the format of a donation (any amount). After all, materials about our Motherland should be available to every teacher who wants to tell children about Ukraine.
Security superheroes (in a format accessible to children about the Armed Forces of Ukraine)
The task of the course: Today, is vital for children to understand: What is modern war? Is it happening only on the battlefield? Who does the Ukrainian army consist of? What is the difference between different military professions and ranks?. So, the 'Superheroes of Security' course adapted for children provides answers to questions. We also supplemented the materials with lessons in psychological support, discussion of safety issues (mines, sirens, evacuation), ways to deal with stress, and art therapy approaches.
Topics covered in the course: land forces, air and naval forces of Ukraine, special operations forces, military special forces, art therapy lessons, treasures of Ukraine, and more.
The set includes:● 30 presentations;● guidelines;● a selection of resources for teachers;● additionally discussed: 2 hours of methodical consultation from the teacher-practitioner.
Author-designer of the course 'Security superheroes' - Yanina Hizhinska
Course content: lessons about Ukraine and Ukrainians: unique places, cultural achievements, outstanding personalities, and turning points that influenced the course of history and life of every Ukrainian.The lessons are based on the project's 'Ukraїner' materials and animated videos from "Travel Book. Ukraine".
The course kit includes:● 20 presentations;● methodical recommendations;● a selection of resources for teachers;● additionally discussed: 2 hours of methodological consultation and training in the basics of teaching the course from the author-methodologist or teacher-practitioner.
Author-designer of the course 'Ukraїner' - Yanina Hizhinska
Superheroes of Ukraine
Course description: as children, we were often like someone who wanted to be like an almighty character from a favorite fairy tale, a charming princess, or a superhero from an American movie ... Stories about people with disabilities help children believe in themselves, their dreams and cultivate determination and perseverance. Today, for modern children, the choice of superheroes is huge. But given the recent events in the country, we set a goal to tell about the real superheroes of Ukraine.
The task of the course: reveal the concept of who can be a superhero today. Materials based on current information (examples of our volunteers, athletes, and real people's stories).
The set of the course "Superheroes of Ukraine" includes:● 10 presentations;
● methodical recommendations;
● selection of resources for teachers;
● webinar recording.
Author-designer of the course "Superheroes of Ukraine" - Tetiana Savinkova
Diary planner
Functions:● Task planner for independent work● Reflection on subjects for the week● Objectives for the semester● Planning of scientific and business projects● Motivational stickers● Tracking progress from learning outcomes● Useful templates for organizing information (caps, reading log)● Anti-stress coloringThe content's planner and visuals (colors according to your brand book, logos) can be adapted to the customer.